In Kerala, women are making significant strides in the cricket umpiring arena, which has long been viewed as a male stronghold. The state now boasts six female umpires, including T.P. Soniamol and Farha Shirin, who recently served as fourth umpires at the inaugural Kerala Cricket League (KCL) held at Thiruvananthapuram’s Greenfield Stadium.
The role of a fourth umpire, while supportive of the on-field officials, entails vital tasks such as managing player substitutions, assessing pitch conditions during intervals, and ensuring equipment functionality, like checking light meters.
Hailing from Kozhikode, Farha represented Kerala as an opening batter from 2009 to 2020 and now serves as a guest faculty member at Malabar Christian College. She draws parallels between her situation and the character Pathu from the 2023 Malayalam film Sesham Mike-il Fathima, stating, “I can relate to the character as even now my mother, Suharabi, cannot digest the fact that I was once a cricket player and now an umpire.”
Despite familial challenges, her role in the KCL presented a significant opportunity. “I believe those matches are on par with IPL games. Fourth umpires are a rarity in cricket tournaments. Our duties include ensuring players are timely on the ground and maintaining proper decorum,” she elaborated.
Soniamol, who resides in Tripunithura, has worked as a physical education instructor at Cochin Refinery School and played for Kerala for five years until 2012. Reflecting on her KCL experience, she noted, “I was knowledgeable about the rules of cricket umpiring, but it was only at the KCL that I became familiar with the specific regulations pertinent to the fourth umpire role. It is essential for more young women to engage with cricket, as there are numerous opportunities available. They must stay committed to the sport and continuously update their skills if they aspire to become umpires.”
Other female umpires in Kerala include Hannah Abraham, P. Saritha, Chaithanya, and Binisha.
Vinod S. Kumar, secretary of the Kerala Cricket Association, stated that the organization is actively encouraging women’s cricket. “A pink cricket championship is in the works, which will provide further opportunities for women umpires,” he added.
Image Source: Kerala Cricket Association / Shutterstock